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Nieminen & Litmanen

Scott Hamilton - Organic Duke

Jimmy Smith - The Incredible Jimmy Smith At Club Baby Grand, Volume 1

Charles Kynard - Professor Soul

Jimmy Smith - Open House

Lonnie Gasperini

Melvin Rhyne - Boss Organ

Details for album House Party by Jimmy Smith

Band:Jimmy Smith »»
Recorded:Between 25 Aug 1957 and 25 Feb 1958
Rating: (2 votes)
Your rating:1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 Au Privave »»
2 Lover Man »»
3 Just Friends »»
4 Blues After All »»
5 Confirmation (bonus track) »»
Donald Bailey »»Drums
Art Blakey »»Drums
Tina Brooks »»Tenor sax
Kenny Burrell »»Guitar
George Coleman »»Alt sax
Lou Donaldson »»Alt sax
Curtis Fuller »»Trombone
Eddie McFadden »»Guitar
Lee Morgan »»Trumpet
Jimmy Smith »»Hammond B3
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