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Richard 'Groove' Holmes - The Groover

Melvin Rhyne - Tomorrow Yesterday Today

René Thomas - Meeting Mister Thomas

Brother Jack McDuff - That's The Way I Feel About It

Barbara Dennerlein - Take Off

James Shipp

Groove Holmes - Blues All Day Long

Details for album Live At The Britt Festival by Mel Brown B-3 Organ Quartet

Band:Mel Brown B-3 Organ Quartet »»
Recorded:8 Sep 2003
Rating: (1 votes)
Your rating:1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 Intro »»
2 Church »»
3 Jd's Groove »»
4 Sunshine Alley »»
5 Soulful Drums »»
6 Mighty Burner »»
7 Blues For GB »»
8 I Wish/Kiko »»
9 What's Going On »»
10 Peeper »»
11 Mak Attack »»
Dan Balmer »»Guitar
Mel Brown »»Drums
Renato Caranto »»Saxophone
Louis Pain »»Hammond B3
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