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The Bruce Katz Band - A Deeper Blue

Shirley Scott and Stanley Turrentine - Blue Flames

Larry Young - Groove Street

Melvin Rhyne Trio - The Legend

Charles Earland - Blowing The Blues Away

Gloria Coleman Quartet - Soul Sisters

Rene Sopa / Stefan Patry - Hammondeon - L'été Indien

Details for album On The Playground by Libor Šmoldas Trio

Band:Libor Šmoldas Trio »»
Rating:No ratings. Be the first to rate this album.
Your rating:1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 On The Playground »»
2 The Message »»
3 Handle With Care »»
4 Valse Hot »»
5 Funky Piece »»
6 Christopher's Dance »»
7 Just One Of Those Things »»
8 Snow »»
Łukasz Żyta »»Drums
Ondrej Pivec »»Hammond
Libor Šmoldas »»Guitar
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