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Lonnie Smith - Too Damn Hot

Mel Rhyne - Organ-izing

Jimmy McGriff quote
Music is like a wheel, When you drive a car down a street, you might go down the same street, but you'll run over something today that wasn't there yesterday, so that puts a new look on that tire, and that's the way music is. When it goes over, it picks up something that wasn't there before.

Hank Marr

Houston Person - The Real Thing

T.C. Pfeiler - Live At Club Art & Music by T.C. Pfeiler

Jimmy Bruno - Like That

Roger Smith

Details for song The Champ (The Rematch)

Title:The Champ (The Rematch)
Duration: 08:29
Band:Joey DeFrancesco »»
Album:The Champ Round 2 »»

Other interpretations
The Champ »» on album Incredible »» by Joey DeFrancesco »»The Champ »» on album The Champ Round 2 »» by Joey DeFrancesco »»The Champ »» on album The Champ »» by Joey DeFrancesco »»
The Champ »» on album Live At The Village Gate »» by Jimmy Smith Trio »»The Champ »» on album A New Sound, A New Star: Jimmy Smith at the Organ, Vol. 2 »» by Jimmy Smith »»The Champ »» on album Groovin' At Smalls' Paradise »» by Jimmy Smith »»
The Champ »» on album The Champs »» by Ximo Tébar »»
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