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Michel Bénébig

Rusell Malone quote
I’ve always felt that jazz is the way in which something is done. The material can come from anywhere — what makes it jazz is the way you approach it.

Tony Monaco - Intemately Live At The 501

Pete Fallico quote
There are so many wonderful musicians around the world who have sat at the Hammond organ and played for years that I still do not know about!

Willis Jackson

Euro Cinema - Ten-4

Papa John DeFrancesco

Mauri Sanchis - Good Vibes

Eddie 'Lockjaw' Davis

Details for song Out Of Nowhere

Title:Out Of Nowhere
Duration: Unknown
Band:James Carter Organ Trio »»
Album:Out Of Nowhere »»

Other interpretations
Out Of Nowhere »» on album Rhoda Scott + Kenny Clarke »» by Rhoda Scott + Kenny Clarke »»Out of Nowhere »» on album Organic Chemistry »» by Bobby Forrester »»
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