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Jack McDuff - The Last Goodun'

John Abercrombie - Tactics

Charles Earland - Black Drops

Oscar Marchioni - Croccodile Hammond Grooves

Jerry Begonzi - A Different Look

Hank Crawford & Jimmy McGriff - Crunch Time

Red Holloway - Go Red Go!

Details for song Angel Eyes

Title:Angel Eyes
Duration: Unknown
Band:Jimmy Smith »»
Album:Angel Eyes »»

Other interpretations
Angel Eyes »» on album Plays Sinatra His Way »» by Joey DeFrancesco »»Angel Eyes »» on album Urban Paradise »» by Vince Seneri »»Angel Eyes »» on album Softly As A Summer Breeze »» by Jimmy Smith »»
Angel Eyes »» on album Don't Stop »» by Billy Larkin & The Delegates »»Angel Eyes »» on album The Real Thing »» by Houston Person »»Angel Eyes »» on album True Blue »» by Raphael Wressnig »»
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