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The Larry Young Trio - Testifying

T.C. Pfeiler

Rasmus Stenholm - For Those About To Roll

Jimmy Smith - The Incredible Jimmy Smith At Club Baby Grand, Volume 2

The Tenor Triange with The Melvin Rhyne Trio - Aztec Blues

Jimmy Ponder - What's New

Bob DeVos - Breaking The Ice

Details for song Misty

Duration: Unknown
Band:Atsuko Hashimoto Organ Trio »»
Album:Songs We Love »»

Other interpretations
Misty »» on album Soul Message »» by Richard "Groove" Holmes »»Misty »» on album Mo' Rock »» by Baby Face Willette »»Misty »» on album Onsaya Joy »» by Groove Holmes »»
Misty »» on album The Main Squeeze »» by Jimmy McGriff »»Misty »» on album Dynamite »» by Fred van Zegveld »»Misty »» on album Blues Citizens »» by Radam Schwartz »»
Misty »» on album All In One Diversity »» by Seleno Clarke »»Misty »» on album Diversity #2 »» by Seleno Clarke »»Misty »» on album Revisited »» by Reuben Wilson Trio »»
Misty (Ballad) »» on album Groovin' It »» by Hank Marr »»Misty (Swing) »» on album Groovin' It »» by Hank Marr »»
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