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Joey DeFrancesco

Vince Seneri quote
Joey has left the company.

Joey DeFrancesco & Jimmy Smith - Incredible

Jimmy McGriff

Dennis Chambers

Gloria Coleman Quartet - Soul Sisters

Raphael Wressnig & Enrico Crivellaro Organ Trio - Mosquito Bite

Hank Marr - Groovin' It

Details for song The Sermon

Title:The Sermon
Duration: 20:10
Band:Jimmy Smith »»
Album:The Sermon »»

Other interpretations
The Sermon »» on album The Champ Round 2 »» by Joey DeFrancesco »»The Sermon »» on album The Main Squeeze »» by Jimmy McGriff »»The Sermon »» on album All The Way Live »» by Jimmy Smith & Eddie Harris »»
The Sermon »» on album Any Number Can Win »» by Jimmy Smith »»The Sermon »» on album I've Got A Woman »» by Jimmy McGriff »»
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