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Jimmy McGriff - Groove Grease

Bruno Erminero - Christmas Jazz

Eddie 'LockJaw' Davis - Jaws In Orbit

Jimmy Smith - Paid In Full

George Kontrafouris - Little Daddy Blues

Gloria Coleman - Sweet Sissy

Jimmy McGriff - Blue To The Bone

Details for song The Champ

Title:The Champ
Duration: 06:25
Band:Jimmy Smith Trio »»
Album:Live At The Village Gate »»

Other interpretations
The Champ »» on album Incredible »» by Joey DeFrancesco »»The Champ »» on album The Champ Round 2 »» by Joey DeFrancesco »»The Champ »» on album The Champ »» by Joey DeFrancesco »»
The Champ »» on album A New Sound, A New Star: Jimmy Smith at the Organ, Vol. 2 »» by Jimmy Smith »»The Champ »» on album Groovin' At Smalls' Paradise »» by Jimmy Smith »»The Champ »» on album The Champs »» by Ximo Tébar »»
The Champ (The Rematch) »» on album The Champ Round 2 »» by Joey DeFrancesco »»
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