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Jack McDuff - Bringin' It Home

Rusell Malone quote
I’ve always felt that jazz is the way in which something is done. The material can come from anywhere — what makes it jazz is the way you approach it.

Organissimo - Alive And kickin'

Dr. Lonnie Smith quote
I really was thinking Jimmy Smith but it just always came out different

Lou Donaldson - Good Gracious

Libor Šmoldas

Jimmy Smith - Monster

Eddie 'LockJaw' Davis - Jaws In Orbit

Oliver Nelson - Taking Care Of Business

Details for song What's Going On

Title:What's Going On
Duration: Unknown
Band:Jimmy McGriff »»
Album:Let's Stay Together »»

Other interpretations
What's Going On »» on album Live At The Britt Festival »» by Mel Brown B-3 Organ Quartet »»What's Going On »» on album How To Kiss »» by Susanne Alt »»What's Going On »» on album Songs We Love »» by Atsuko Hashimoto Organ Trio »»
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