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James Carter Organ Trio - Out Of Nowhere

Charles Kynard - Professor Soul

Richard Holmes - Onsaya Joy

Brother Jack McDuff - A Change Is Gonna Come

Don Patterson - Funk You

Pierre Sward

Raphael Wressnig & Enrico Crivellaro Organ Trio - Mosquito Bite

Details for song My Funny Valentine

Title:My Funny Valentine
Duration: Unknown
Band:Grant Green »»
Album:Grantstand »»

Other interpretations
My Funny Valentine »» on album Color Me Blue »» by Jack McDuff »»My Funny Valentine »» on album One Take »» by Joey DeFrancesco »»My Funny Valentine »» on album Fourmost »» by Jimmy Smith »»
My Funny Valentine »» on album Groovin' At Smalls' Paradise »» by Jimmy Smith »»My Funny Valentine »» on album Open Up »» by Jeff Barone »»
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