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The Hammond Jazz Inventory

Sonny Phillips - I Concentrate On You

Musician focus

Dr. Lonnie Smith quote
I really was thinking Jimmy Smith but it just always came out different

Grant Green - Live At The Lighthouse

Jimmy Smith quote
I copped my solos from horn players. I don't listen to keyboard players. I can't get what I want from keyboard players.

Papa John DeFrancesco - Big Shot

Dr. Lonnie Smith quote
I really was thinking Jimmy Smith but it just always came out different

John Scofield - A Go Go

Deep Blue Organ Trio - Goin' To Town. Live At The Green Mill

Johnny "Hammond" Smith

Stanley Turrentine

T.C. Pfeiler - For H.G.B.S.

Ron Levy's Wild Kingdom - VooDoo Boogaloo

Jimmy & Wes/Tony & Pat

The Hammond Jazz Inventory announced this concert and I went to see it. I'm happy I did, let me tell you about it. On the one hand, Tony Monaco & Pat Martino deserve a much larger venue and audience. (Whenever they come back to the Netherlands they ought to play in the Bimhuis). On the other (hand), the intimacy of a small club (150 people there, to the max) with world's top musicians performing with so much energy is an unique experience. Most of the concert was a tribute to the music of Wes Montgomery, who did two recordings with Jimmy Smith of which the first is called Jimmy & Wes, the dynamic duo.

Believe me, Pat & Tony are a dynamic duo too. Supported by Louis Tsamous on drums - whose embedded short solo's are just right for me - they created a perfect Hammond jazz night in a classic guitar/organ/drums trio setting. It's amazing what three musicians with a dedication can do. To me the whole evening was a feast but I have to admit I have a weak spot for "Road song" that also appears on Further adventures of Jimmy and Wes. I hope Tony & Pat will have further adventures. And if so, I'd like to witness.

Thank you Merlijn, for the pictures.

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