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Details for album The Cat by Jimmy Smith

Band:Jimmy Smith »»
Recorded:Between 27 Apr 1964 and 29 Apr 1964
Rating: (9 votes)
Your rating:1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
If this album isn't in your collection you can't maintain you really know Jimmy Smith. For a lot of people this is the first and most played Jimmy Smith album and that might be because every time you play this album it will sound as the first time you hear it. Going to a deserted Island we would pick this one, among many others of course. Impressive big-band style orchestrations arranged by Lalo Schifrin, a shooting horn section trying to blow Jimmy Smith away from the organ. But he is so powerful on this album ...

Track #7 is dedicated to Alain Delon who is featured in the movie "Joy House". Two tunes from that picture are also on this album: Theme From Joy House and The Cat.
1 Theme From "Joy House" »»04:38
2 The Cat »»03:24
3 Basin Street Blues »»04:00
4 Main Title From "The Carpetbeggars" »»03:56
5 Chigago Serenade »»03:55
6 St. Louis Blues »»03:18
7 Delon's Blues »»04:48
8 Blues In The Night »»04:45
Ray Alonge »»French horn
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Kenny Burrell »»Guitar
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Earl Chapin »»French horn
Jimmy Cleveland »»Trombone
Bill Correa »»French horn
George Duvivier »»Bass
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Urbie Green »»Trombone
Thad Jones »»Trumpet
Phil Kraus »»Percussion
Marky Markowitz »»Trumpet
Jimmy Maxwell »»Trumpet
Ernie Royal »»Trumpet
Jimmy Smith »»Organ
Tony Studd »»Bass trombone
Grady Tate »»Drums
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