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Sid Jacobs, Marco Collazzo, Bruno Erminero - An Evening With...

Jerry Weldon

Jimmy Smith & Wes Montgomery - Jimmy & Wes The Dynamic Duo

Barbara Dennerlein - Junkanoo

Lou Donaldson - Caracas

Jimmy Smith - Hobo Flats

Lonnie Smith - Mama Wailer

Details for album Mel's Spell by Melvin Rhyne Trio

Band:Melvin Rhyne Trio »»
Rating: (1 votes)
Your rating:1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 Billy's Bounce »»
2 Hi-Heel Sneakers »»
3 Stranger In Paradise »»
4 Teach Me A Song »»
5 Fried Pies »»
6 Sunset Eyes »»
7 Sweet Slumber »»
8 Here's That Rainy Day »»
9 Like Yea »»
10 This Love Of Mine »»
Peter Bernstein »»Guitar
Melvin Rhyne »»Organ
Daniel G. Sadownick »»Percussion
Kenny Washington »»Drums
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